What Are the Causes of Carbon Deposition?

What Are the Causes of Carbon Deposition?

What are the causes of carbon deposition in wheeled timber grab engines or other construction equipment?
There are many reasons for carbon deposition in engines. For most car owners, the main reasons for carbon deposition are fuel quality and urban road conditions.
Gasoline with different fuel quality easily reacts with air during storage and Timber Grabtransportation, which is easy to generate colloidal substances. Otherwise, gasoline itself has high content of colloid. After entering the combustion chamber with gasoline through the fuel supply system of the vehicle, and then burning with gasoline, a lot of carbon deposits will be produced in the fuel injector, combustion chamber of the engine, piston ring groove, spark plug, back of intake valve, intake duct and other parts of the fuel supply system.
When driving in a city with congested urban road conditions, the vehicle is always in a stop-and-go state, the engine cannot run at high speed, and the fuel oil or lubricating oil that jumps into the combustion chamber cannot burn 100%. Some unburned oil forms colloid under the action of high temperature and oxygen, and adheres to the surface of parts inside the engine, and then forms carbon deposit under the action of high temperature.

Excessive carbon deposition is prone to failure. It is inevitable that carbon deposition will occur when the engine works. However, different failure phenomena will occur when carbon deposition is excessive in various parts of the engine.

For example, when there is too much carbon deposit in the combustion chamber, the compression ratio of the engine will increase and many hot surfaces will be formed, which will cause early combustion and deflagration and will shorten the service life of the engine; carbon deposits on the working surface of the valve and its seat ring will cause loose close of the valve and air leakage, which lead to difficult start of the engine, weak working state and easy ablation of the valve. Carbon deposition and glue formation in valve guide and valve stem will accelerate their wear, and even cause difficult movement of the valve stem in the valve guide and even get stuck, resulting in valve sticking fault; carbon deposition in the fuel injector will cause different fuel injection quantity of each cylinder, which will joggle the engine; when the spark plug deposits too much carbon, the spark plug leaks currents and cannot work, making the engine shudder.

Therefore, experts suggest that car owners should pay more attention to vehicle maintenance and regularly clean the carbon deposits everywhere in the engine in order to make the engine work better and healthier.